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Friday, October 9, 2009
Profits aren't everything, they're the only thing : no-nonsense rules from the ultimate contrarian and small business guru
by George Cloutier. This slim but forceful debut by turnaround management expert Cloutier serves as a wakeup call for small business owners who have been hit hard by the recession. Don't blame the economy, he writes. Recession or no recession, if your small business is failing, it's your fault! Cloutier dishes out tough love in pithy chapters that introduce his 15 Profit Rules (e.g., Love your Business More than Your Family, The Best Family Business Has One Member and Teamwork Is Vastly Overrated). While Cloutier's provocative pronouncements seem designed for maximum shock value, each rule relies on practical business principles: maintain tight controls, pay for performance and focus on sales at all times. This blunt work will not be for the timid business owner afraid to re-evaluate operations, planning, compensation or family dynamics. For those ready to focus on profits, though, Cloutier's book is loaded with valuable advice on how to get back on track and stay in the black in any economic environment. by Publisher's Weekly. (Check Catalog)