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Monday, April 5, 2010
Inside the mind of the shopper : the science of retailing
by Herb Sorensen. Sorensen (Global Scientific Director, TNS Shopper Insights) provides a valuable explanation of retailing, revealing many insights about the shopper and beyond. His book is steeped in data and analysis and presented in an accessible manner. Sorensen is an authority on observing and measuring buyer behavior and attitudes. While he has a PhD in biochemistry, his work is not steeped in biological factors or neuroscience as much as an extensive understanding of actual behavior. In this sense, Sorensen thoroughly explores and expands on the what and how of buyer behavior in retail settings, but he does not expose or explore the why with the same depth. This book is a worthy companion to the similarly constructed work of Paco Underhill, e.g., Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping (2000) and Call of the Mall (2004). It is a suitable resource for retail instructors, students, and practitioners, but it does not offer substantial theory from an academic researcher's perspective. Summing Up: Recommended. General readers, upper-division undergraduate students, and practitioners. --Choice. (Check catalog)