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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How the economy works : confidence crashes and self-fulfilling prophecies

 by Roger E. A. Farmer. Chair of the UCLA economics department, Farmer has two purposes in this book. First, he offers a summary of the many decades' debate between classical and Keynesian economists. Second, he presents his own prescription to resolve the current economic crisis. The historical account of economic theory is especially useful, introducing the reader to key figures in the debates and pointing out strengths and weaknesses in competing points of view. The focus is on mainstream US economists who have struggled to reconcile a classical individualistic model of markets with Keynesian insights about market failures. The summary of policy recommendations is based on Farmer's book, Expectations, Employment and Prices (2010). He uses a market model of job search as well as behavioral economics insights on financial markets to explain why the crisis occurred and what should be done to resolve it. Readers interested in policy recommendations should also consult works by Dean Baker, Joseph Stiglitz, and Richard Posner. Summing Up: Recommended. General readers; all levels of undergraduate students; practitioners. --Choice (Check Catalog)