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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Strategize to win : the new way to start out, step up, or start over in your career

View full imageby Carla J. Harris      (Get the Book)
It's not so much a new way to manage your career as it is a smart and a wise one. Well-known author (Expect to Win, 2009) and businesswoman Harris speaks from experience, and she uses that experience to give readers more than a good idea of how to sell yourself, to understand your performance and relationship currencies, and to move through change successfully. The three sections (as per her title) address millennial issues as well as those confronting Gens X and Y and baby boomers. Instead of asking what to major in for life, she recommends defining the content that is, activities and goals that the career seeker enjoys then cross-referencing that content with jobs that offer these experiences. Of course, interviews and negotiating are key subjects (do your homework, she advises, as do other experts); more important, though, is her emphasis on the kinds of internal capital employees and leaders need to build, whether it's performance- or relationship-based. The crossroads that many confront knowing when it's time to leave, being downsized, losing a sponsor, and repositioning are well handled. And just in case readers skim through the chapters, she summarizes her content in Carla's Pearls. --Booklist