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Wednesday, March 11, 2015
The hidden leader : discover and develop greatness within your company
by Scott K. Edinger (Get the Book)Consultants Edinger and Sain explore the idea of hidden leaders: those who act like leaders regardless of their position or job description. These employees, the authors argue, are key assets, essential to the success of any company to which they belong but typically lacking the "positional power" of upper-management jobs. The book identifies four facets of this leadership style: integrity, interpersonal skills, being results oriented, and being customer focused. Edinger and Sain spend considerable ink detailing how managers can find hidden leaders and create new ones by helping their employees develop new skills. Throughout, they provide numerous worksheets and assessment tools, both in the book itself and on a number of online platforms created by the authors, closing with a checklist of traits common to hidden leaders. Debunking the myth that leadership is all about status and power, this book suggests that employees at any level can motivate those around them, drive performance, and improve an organization's bottom line. --Publisher's Weekly