There have been many changes in marketing tools, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Popky, president of Leverage2Market Associates, writes: "By 2013, Facebook already had well over a billion users…. However, depending on your business, not all of these people (and perhaps just a small subgroup of them) are using their Facebook accounts in the context of your business." The author advocates getting above the "noise" of today's trending marketing tools and tactics and developing "long-term strategies that build customer loyalty and convince prospects to buy." She has created the Dynamic Marketing Leverage Model, which looks at key elements "critical to the success" of serious marketing initiatives and is comprised of eight areas of focus: strategy, products, customers, brand, communication, market analysis, operations, and sales channels. She examines the five momentum factors that move an organization forward: organizational commitment, resources, people, technology, and environment. --Library Journal
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Marketing Above the Noise
There have been many changes in marketing tools, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Popky, president of Leverage2Market Associates, writes: "By 2013, Facebook already had well over a billion users…. However, depending on your business, not all of these people (and perhaps just a small subgroup of them) are using their Facebook accounts in the context of your business." The author advocates getting above the "noise" of today's trending marketing tools and tactics and developing "long-term strategies that build customer loyalty and convince prospects to buy." She has created the Dynamic Marketing Leverage Model, which looks at key elements "critical to the success" of serious marketing initiatives and is comprised of eight areas of focus: strategy, products, customers, brand, communication, market analysis, operations, and sales channels. She examines the five momentum factors that move an organization forward: organizational commitment, resources, people, technology, and environment. --Library Journal