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Tuesday, May 4, 2010
More guerrilla marketing research : asking the right people, the right questions, the right way and effectively using the answers to make more money
by Robert J. Kaden, et al / This sequel to Kaden's Guerrilla Marketing Research (CH, Jul'06, 43-6639) differs from many other marketing research texts in that basic methods are explained in a nontechnical style that emphasizes their purpose and usefulness rather than the details of operation. Inserting the term "guerilla" in the title implies agility in utilizing unusual or creative approaches in the application of marketing research procedures. Although this publication could benefit those who wish to conduct research on their own, it would be particularly helpful to those who need to understand the basics in order to interact meaningfully with persons or firms conducting the actual research. This volume would also be helpful to managers who require an understanding of marketing research and its place in an organization, for example, to establish budgets or to allocate resources. The authors bring their many years of research experience to their presentation, thus providing practical insights as well as a hands-on guide to marketing research. Examples and tables help to illustrate points made in the text. The final chapter on the future of marketing research is interesting. A bibliography or suggestions for further study would be a useful addition to the book, particularly for those wishing to conduct their own research. --Choice. (Check catalog)