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Friday, May 14, 2010
Your career game : how game theory can help you achieve your professional goals
by Nathan Bennett. Bennett (management, Coll. of Management, Georgia Tech.) and Miles (vice chairman, Heidrick & Struggles), coauthors of Riding Shotgun: The Role of the COO, return with a look at how understanding game theory affects careers. The opening chapters focus on viewing your career as "a game where players compete for opportunities" and introduce readers to game theory. Then the authors explain the types of "moves" the reader can make, with specific examples. Central to the book is the chapter on available moves, which includes broad types of moves, and even outlines for topics like "how to win when succeeding saints and sinners," and a discussion of the value and timing of returning for an MBA. Chapters close with at least three topical discussions with current corporate executives and an analysis of those conversations, a nice change from the sometimes abstract chapters. VERDICT Accessible and relevant, this book provides an invigorating new view. Suggested for most libraries, particularly in areas with a mobile workforce. --Library Journal. (Check Catalog)