Business and Finance Page

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

The social network business plan : 18 strategies that will create great wealth

by A. David Silver. All of us know that users of the Web do not read advertisements on the websites we visit, yet the online communities are emerging as the next great media rely solely on this method to produce revenue. In The Social Network Business Plan, social network expert, David Silver presents and explains 18 cutting-edge methods to create revenue for social network websites--none of which are advertising. (Check Catalog)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The difference : how anyone can prosper in even the toughest times

by Jean Chatzky. Breaks down the simple strategies and steps used by the self-made wealthy to rise above negative circumstances, effortlessly climb social ladders, and experience real financial success and independence. (Check catalog)

Monday, March 9, 2009

The cure for money madness : break your bad money habits, live without financial stress--and make money!

by Spencer D. Sherman. Sherman, founder and CEO of a small financial firm, offers sage and soothing advice for taking the emotional factor out of making money decisions. Money madness is the author's diagnosis for the unhealthy behaviors that stem from seeing how money was handled in childhood households and linger long into adulthood: e.g., the inability to talk about money, compulsive spending and debt, the conviction that no amount of money can keep one secure enough, ruthless self-measurement in terms of wealth. (Check catalog)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

War in the boardroom : why left-brain management and right-brain marketing don't see eye-to-eye--and what to do about it

by Al Ries. Father and daughter marketing experts and bestselling authors of The Fall of Advertising, the Rieses explore the gulf between management and marketing and show why this gulf is bad for business, customers and the economy. The Rieses are persuasive in their argument, examining tried-and-true brands as well as those that have faded. Entertaining and enlightening, this book has much for executives and managers at all levels to ponder. Publisheer's Weekly Review. (Check Catalog)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Living rich for less : create the lifestyle you want by giving, saving, and spending smart : how you can save $30,000 this year

by Ellie Kay. With lively humor, proven know-how, and practical principles for financial health, Living Rich for Less helps you stretch your dollars to realize the lifestyle of your dreams. Ellie Kay's entertaining and enlightening examples show you simple steps to give, save, and spend smart. (Check Catalog)