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Friday, October 21, 2011

Escape velocity : free your company's future from the pull of the past

View full image by Geoffrey A. Moore. Moore, consultant, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist, offers advice on how a company's management should continue to maximize results from past successes while setting sights on new growth and opportunities. Globalization is the significant reality that has changed the corporate landscape for everyone. Using case studies, charts, and diagrams, the author devotes a chapter to each element of his Hierarchy of Powers, which evaluates all economic competition in relation to five types of economic power: category power (demand for a given class of products/services), company power (typically exhibited in market share), market power (reputation within a market segment and its share of that segment), offer power (demand for a given product/service vis-a-vis competitors), and execution power (ability to outperform competitors). Moore concludes, the advantage goes to whomever can call the tune first, identify the relevant changes under way, find the pivotal role to play, and communicate the vision in actionable frameworks. This is a thought-provoking book for business leaders and those seeking leadership roles. --Booklist (Check Catalog)