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Friday, June 1, 2012

Modern New York : the life and economics of a city

View full imageby Greg David.              (Find the Book)Financial journalist David traces the economic evolution of New York City from the 1960s, with Mayor John Lindsay and his belief that business should provide revenue for city government to right social imbalances. Mayor Ed Koch revived the city's health in the 1970s, and the Wall Street boom of the 1980s ended in the 1987 crash. Mayor David Dinkins' reign began in 1990 as he sought to stimulate the city's recovery from the financial crisis as the economy contracted and the city's crime rate soared. Four years later Mayor Rudy Giuliani focused on two issues putting the city's finances in order and reducing the appalling crime rate and Mayor Michael Bloomberg followed soon after 9/11, winning by 30,000 votes. The author concludes, Barring another meltdown or terrorist attack, the New York that Michael Bloomberg will turn over to his successor on January 1, 2014, will be prosperous, safe, sound, and a magnet for the rest of the nation, if not the world. A compelling account. --Booklist