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Saturday, August 22, 2009

IRAs, 401(k)s & other retirement plans : taking your money out

by Twila Slesnick. More than 78 million baby boomers, representing some 29% of the U.S. population, are approaching retirement, and about 58 percent of retirement assets are in defined contribution plans.If you want or need to take money out of your retirement plan—whether you've inherited a retirement plan, wish to buy a house, or just need money—IRAS, 401(l)s & other Retirement Plans will help you make the best choices concerning these plans, and cope with the accompanying rules and regulations. Filled with sample forms and charts, this book covers: • tax strategies before and at retirement • penalties for drawing money out early • distributions you must take • minimizing taxes • distributions to your heirs …and much more, including explanations of all the common types of retirement plans including 401(k)s and other types of profit-sharing plans, Keoghs, IRAs, and tax deferred annuities.The ninth edition incorporates the changes brought about by the Pension Protection Act of 2006, and includes all of the information regarding the new rules for taking money out of Roth 401(l) plans and anticipated changes to Roth IRA conversion rules. (Check Catalog)