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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The psychology of personnel selection

 by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic. Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham (both, Univ. College London, UK) provide an up-to-date review of the psychological research on personnel selection. They cover the usefulness, reliability, and validity of various personnel selection tests, such as interviews, biodata, letters of recommendation, graphology, situational judgment tests, and grade point averages. They also analyze the viability of constructs associated with personnel selection, such as intelligence, personality traits, creativity, leadership, and talent. A large chapter on personality traits concludes that conscientiousness, one of the big five personality traits, has positive effects on work. Personality self-reports are subject to faking. Useful bar charts and tables are scattered throughout the text. Though scientific, the text is readable. This volume constitutes a literature review, featuring works from such leading scholarly journals as the Journal of Applied Psychology and Personnel Psychology, which often incorporate meta-analytical statistical techniques that compare the results of many research studies. For readers also wanting more practical planning tools, checklists, work sheets, and job descriptions associated with personnel selection, see David Dubois and William Rothwell's Competency-Based Human Resource Management (CH, Sep'04, 42-0399). Summing Up: Recommended. Scholars, upper-division undergraduate and graduate students, and business practitioners. --Choice (Check Catalog)