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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

13 things rich people won't tell you : 325+ tried and true secrets to building your fortune no matter what your salary

View full imageby Jennifer Merritt    (Get the Book)
Did you read about the janitor who donated $1 million dollars to his local library? Do you ever watch in amazement as your well-off boss haggles over the price of a tuna fish sandwich? Is it possible to find an advisor to help you invest your money--without losing it all to a Bernie Madoff-like con man? In the same spirit of Reader's Digest magazine's popular 13 Things They Won't Tell You series, the editors at America's Most Trusted Magazine have developed the ultimate roadmap for making the most of your money and avoiding the wallet-sucking scams that are keeping you off Easy Street. We talked to everyday and not-so-everyday rich folks, and to the experts who helped make them rich, to learn their secrets on what to save for, how much to save--and where to stash cash so that it grows (hint: not that bank savings account).  (Summary)